Monday, July 16, 2012

Concert and a medieval tower

July 16, 2012
It started out as a quiet day. We went out for lunch to have a pizza. It was delicious. Then to the grocery store for a couple of things. We talked to Jamie and she said Elenora and Luca had a concert that night in a small town outside, but near Florence. So about 7:30 pm we went to Che-che’s house to pick up Jamie and Che-che. Another friend Maurice was there and I talked to him. He is Irish, but has lived in Florence for 22 years. I asked him how he ended up here and he said, “Shoes!” When he was a child in Ireland on Sunday at church he was fascinated by the shoes people had on. This is where his love of shoes began. He now had a shoe collection and works in the shoe industry in Florence.

Jamie, Che-che, Dada and I got into the car and drove to the concert. It was in a park with a medieval tower in the center. It was a warm night and the concert started about 10 pm and lasted for two hours. It was a group of 5, a drummer, a violinist, a bass player, and Luca who played about 10 instruments (several types of clarinets, several sizes of sax, bass, cello) and sang and Elernora who played keyboard and accordion and also sang.

It was so much more than a concert; it had poetry, theatre, dance and amazing music. It was very coordinated but seemed improvised. It was funny and touching. It was jazzy and folk. It was passionate and lyrical. I loved it.

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